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The Curious Link Between Posture and Bite Alignment

The Curious Link Between Posture and Bite Alignment

July 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplyorthosct @ 4:29 pm
a person smiling and sitting up straight

When we think about health and wellness, posture and bite alignment may seem like unrelated aspects. After all, what does sitting or standing up straight have to do with our teeth? However, emerging research has revealed a significant connection between posture and bite alignment, and understanding the interplay between these two can lead to improved well-being. Continue reading to learn a little more about this connection, along with some general advice aimed toward helping you improve both and enjoy a happier, healthier life!

A Closer Look at Posture and Bite Alignment

Posture refers to the way we hold our bodies when standing, sitting, or lying down. Good posture maintains the natural curves of the spine, keeping the bones and joints in proper alignment and reducing stress on muscles and ligaments.

Believe it or not, bite alignment isn’t too different. Sometimes referred to as occlusion, bite alignment describes how the upper and lower teeth come together when the mouth is closed. Proper bite alignment ensures that the teeth fit together correctly, which allows for efficient chewing and evenly distributed pressure across all the teeth.

Understanding the Connection Between the Two

We aren’t always conscious of our posture, but slouching or slumping over frequently can have a harmful effect on various parts of the body. Most obviously, it can make the back, neck, head, and shoulders sore, but it can also negatively impact the jaw. Think of it this way; when you’re sitting slouched forward, you’re pushing your head forward, which in turn pushes your lower jaw further out as well. The more frequently this happens, the more your jaw joints adjust to this improper position, which changes how your upper and lower teeth fit together.

This can spell bad news for your smile; when your bite isn’t aligned, your teeth are exposed to excess wear and tear and can even sustain chips or cracks. Bad posture can also impact orthodontics, potentially causing longer treatment timelines or the need for further treatment in the future. Even worse, bad posture places extra stress on the temporomandibular joints (TMJ), which connect your jaw to the rest of your skull.

Tips for Improving Your Posture

Improving your posture will greatly benefit your bite alignment and oral health, as well as many other areas of your life. Here are a few quick exercises designed to improve your posture:

  • While sitting or standing, take a few deep breaths, fully expanding your lungs and slowly releasing the air.
  • Tighten your stomach muscles to support your core and relieve back pressure.
  • Raise your chest and roll your shoulders back and down.

Of course, your orthodontist is also well-equipped to assist you with improving your bite alignment; these professionals offer numerous types of treatments and devices that can assist patients with all sorts of bite alignment issues. So if you’ve noticed that your bite has changed, don’t hesitate to seek this life-changing treatment!

About the Practice  

Here at Simply Orthodontics Dayville, we offer a wide range of premium orthodontic services for patients of all ages in Dayville and the surrounding area. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to get in touch with us to set up an appointment for yourself or a loved one, please visit us online or call us today for further information or assistance. Telephone: (860) 774-2008.