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4 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Retainer

4 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Retainer

April 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplyorthosct @ 4:41 pm
Closeup of smiling woman holding a traditional retainer and modern retainer

Braces or Invisalign can help you get a beautifully straightened smile that you can enjoy for life, but only if you take care of your results correctly! Most orthodontic patients will need to wear a retainer for life after completing their treatment in order to prevent their teeth from shifting out of position again. However, a single retainer certainly won’t last you that long! Here are the top four most common signs that it’s time to get a new one in order to keep your smile straight and healthy.

1.) There Are Small Cracks On Your Retainer

The next time you wear your retainer, take a close look at it — do you see any small cracks or chips? One of the most obvious signs that your retainer needs to be replaced is if it has visible damage. While these little cracks may seem small now, they’ll only grow over time. Eventually, your retainer won’t be strong enough to keep your teeth in their ideal positions.

2.) Your Retainer Feels Loose or Uncomfortable to Wear

Another obvious sign that it’s time to replace your retainer is if it doesn’t fit well anymore. Over time, your retainer will naturally wear down and lose its shape. Soaking it in harsh cleaning chemicals or strong mouthwashes will also cause it to become weaker faster. If it doesn’t fit closely onto your teeth, then it can’t hold them in place very well. Your retainer may also lose its shape if you grind your teeth at night or clean it with boiling water or in the dishwasher. Not only will an ill-fitting retainer do a poor job of keeping your teeth straight, but it could also hurt your jaws, teeth, or soft tissues. Best to have it replaced right away if it doesn’t fit well!

3.) There’s Too Much Calcium Buildup on Your Retainer

Even with great dental habits, calcium can begin to buildup on your retainer. This white-yellow material is also called tartar, which is hardened plaque. Its rough surface is porous enough to accumulate bacteria, which can lead to oral health problems. Just like with the tartar that builds up on your teeth, it can only be removed by a dentist or orthodontist. If you notice calcium buildup on your retainer, talk to your dentist about replacing it.

4.) Your Retainer Smells Bad

Does your retainer stink of morning breath? This is most likely due to an accumulation of oral bacteria. Over 700 different types of bacteria are naturally found in the mouth, and they easily build up in the night as you sleep. Without proper oral hygiene, these particles will begin to decay and release foul-smelling gases, causing your retainer to stink! Not only is this unpleasant, but it puts you at a higher risk of oral health issues like gum disease and cavities. To keep your smile healthy and fresh, replace your retainer if it smells bad!

Wearing your retainer plays a key role in helping you maintain the results of your orthodontic treatment. Make sure you keep that new, beautiful smile for life by replacing your retainer every several years!

About the Practice

Simply Orthodontics is proud to help patients in Dayville and the surrounding communities achieve straighter, healthier smiles and maintain them for life. We are confident in every single treatment we provide, from pediatric orthodontics to adult braces and everything in between, which is why we offer our RETAINERS FOR LIFE program. This allows you to replace your lost, broken, or worn retainer up to four times a year for just a low co-payment, so you’ll never have to go without a properly fitting retainer. To learn more, we can be contacted via our website or at (860) 774-2008.