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Can You Use Your Old Retainer to Restraighten Your Teeth?

Can You Use Your Old Retainer to Restraighten Your Teeth?

May 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplyorthosct @ 9:34 pm
Woman hides her crooked teeth after neglecting wearing her retainer

Straightening your teeth with an orthodontic treatment like braces or Invisalign can give you a beautiful, healthy smile for life! That is, as long as you wear your retainer as instructed. If you weren’t diligent about wearing this small but important orthodontic appliance, you may find that your teeth aren’t as straight as they once were! Can you simply wear your old retainer to restraighten your teeth? The answer is complicated, and making the wrong choice can cause serious damage to your teeth. Read on as we go over whether or not your old retainer can help you regain your straightened smile.

Retainers: Your Last Step Towards a Straight Smile

Your orthodontic treatment isn’t simply over when your teeth reach their ideal positions. The supportive tissues in your gums and jaws still need time to heal and solidify the results. Wearing a retainer after your treatment helps hold your teeth in their new positions as the rest of your mouth heals. In many cases, you’ll need to wear a retainer for the rest of your life for at least a few nights a week. This is because the shape of your mouth continues to change as you grow and get older. A retainer will ensure that your newly straightened smile continues to look its best for years and years to come.

Using an Old Retainer to Restraighten Teeth

If you haven’t been wearing your retainer and notice that your teeth are shifting out of place, there is a chance that your old retainer can help. However, sometimes wearing an old retainer can cause much more harm than good. It all depends on how long you’ve gone without your retainer:

  • A few days or a week: After a very short absence of a few days or a week, it’s likely that your retainer will still fit and be able to fix any minor changes in your smile.
  • A few weeks or a month: After a slightly longer period of a few weeks or a month, your retainer may not feel comfortable to wear. Call your orthodontist to see if it’s safe to wear it.
  • A few months or years: Don’t even attempt to wear an old retainer if it’s been several months or years! It’s very unlikely to fit, and it could become stuck, cause pain, and even potentially damage your teeth and tissues. Instead, schedule an appointment with your orthodontist and take your old retainer with you. They may be able to adjust the retainer you have, or you may need a new one altogether.

Wearing & Caring for Your Retainer

You worked hard to get that beautifully straightened smile during your orthodontic treatment, so protect your results with a retainer! As you get back into the habit of wearing this orthodontic appliance, remember to:

  • Rinse your retainer with cold water before and after each use
  • Brush your retainer with a non-abrasive toothbrush and toothpaste at least once a day
  • Never store your retainer in a napkin or somewhere pets could get to it easily
  • Keep your retainer away from hot water and harsh chemicals
  • Wear your retainer as instructed by your orthodontist

About the Practice

At Simply Orthodontics Dayville, we go above and beyond to make achieving a happy, healthy smile as easy as possible, even after treatment is complete! Alongside a wide range of treatments for every type of smile, each service comes with a lifetime guarantee. With our RETAINERS FOR LIFE program, you can pay a low co-pay to have your lost, broken, or ill-fitting retainers replaced up to four times a year! If you need help with your retainer, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us online or at (860) 774-2008.